Curriculum Vitae


Work experience

  • Quantum Error Correction Developer, March 2024 - Present
    • Package: QuantumClifford.jl
    • Passionate about Quantum Error Correction, Pure Mathematics and Coding Theory
    • Reviewer: Prof. Stefan Krastanov.
  • Quantum Software Developer, UnitaryFund Hackathon, June 2024 - June 2024
    • Developed software for Quantum Optimal Control Theory and Amazon-Web-Services (AWS) Braket. 3rd rank globally on unitaryHack 2024 Leaderboard.
    • Contributed to pure Julia Packages only, Top place by Julia contributions globally by any contributor.
    • Packages: Braket.jl, BraketSimulator.jl, Piccolo.jl
  • Research Assistant, NUCES, Feb 2023 - Feb 2024
  • Quantum Computing Scholar, Sep 2023 - April 2024
    • Organization: The Coding School
    • Accepted into The Coding School’s-Qubit by Qubit: Introduction to Quantum Computing course, a two-semester program which provides a comprehensive introduction to quantum computing, covering topics like quantum mechanics, quantum information and computation, and quantum hardware.
    • Semester 1 and 2: Grade: A
  • Quantum Computing Fellow, Sep 2023 - Present
    • Organization: Womanium
    • Co-authored a case study titled ’Quantum Solutions Launchpad-Xanadu-Linear Combination of Unitaries decompositions’ with Dr. Mojde Fadaie. Work Arrangement: Remote
    • Authored the following sections in case study namely 1) Quantum Chemistry, 2) Unitarity from Marginal Probability Preservation in Quantum Mechanics, 3) Hamiltonian and Unitary Evolution in Quantum Systems, 4) LCU Method in Quantum Chemistry
  • Global Quantum Computing Scholar, July 2023 - Aug 2023
    • Organization: Womanium
    • 16x Publications on Medium with comprehensive analysis of the fundamentals as well as latest advancements on Superconducting, Neutral Atom, Photonic, Silicon, and Trapped Ion Quantum Computing.
    • Founded Quantum Engineering Publication, to promote Quantum Education In Pakistan.
    • Led Womanium Global Media Project Initiative on LinkedIn, Twitter and Medium.
  • Officier Under Training, June 2022 - Sep 2022
    • Water and Power Development Authority, Pakistan
    • Worked at Ghazi-Barotha and Tarbela powerhouses as OUT, gaining understanding of energy sector operations. Field experience from SIGMA, SWAT, PTESU, and DTESU industries.
    • Completed a literature review of the current emerging technologies in the monitoring of processes in the powerhouse facility.
    • Provided recommendations and suggestions for how Machine Learning can be used to improve the efficiency, reliability, and profitability of hydro power powerhouses.
    • Supervisor: Mr. Ahmad Kamal

Research Interests

  • Research Area: Quantum Information Science and Engineering
  • I am captivated by interdisciplinary research due to its capacity to blend insights from various fields, utilizing a broad repository of knowledge that is incredibly effective in tackling complex, real-life problems.
  • I am particularly excited about the prospect of collaboratively navigating through the intersections of different domains, fostering a holistic approach that can offer comprehensive and impactful solutions to the multifaceted challenges we face today.

University Projects

  • System on Chip -based Deep Learning Accelerator for ECG Classification
  • Hardware Implementation of Pulse Width Modulation
  • Single-Cycle, Multicycle & Pipelined RISC-V Processor Design
    • Datapath design for R-Type, S-Type, I-Type, J-Type Instructions. Controller Design (Main Decoder Design, ALU Decoder Design).
    • RTL Simulation and Test-bench in Verilog. Theory to Implementation
  • Mini-Computational Unit using Logic Level Implementation
    • The Mini Computational Unit is an abstraction of a CPU, comprising Transfer, Logic, Shift, and Stack Pointer Unit with visible push and pop operations, validated through LED Display Blocks.
  • 16-Bit Microprocessor in VHDL
    • 16-bit Microprocessor based on ”Micro-operations” Advanced Microarchitecture. Components include Instruction Decoder, ALU, RAM, Instruction AR, Memory AR, Flag Register, PC, and Data Bus.
  • Airplane Routing System using Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Shortest path between airports, connected paths, and minimal cost identified using Dijkstra’s and Prim’s Algorithms.
    • Data structures: Minheap, Weighted Graph.
  • Hardware Based PID Controller To Control The Intensity Of Light
    • Designed PID controller for light intensity control, combining hardware and software (Proteus 8.9 Professional) implementation to simulate observations and achieve accurate results.
  • PID Controller Lead-Lag Compensator Design Comparison Between The Two From The Open Loop Transfer Function From My Roll Number 19L-1318
    • Performed Root Locus sketching, PID controller design, and Lead-Lag compensator design, comparing the two approaches using MATLAB.
  • SQL Injection Detection using Attention-based CNN-BiLSTM via Transfer Learning
    • Developed a SQL Injection detection system using attention-based CNN-biLSTM via transfer learning, addressing dataset scarcity, promising accurate detection with minimal computational complexity.
  • Heart Disease Prediction and Classification
    • Utilizing supervised learning (logistic regression, random forest, naı̈ve Bayes) with tenyearCHD as the target and unsupervised learning with KNN (dropping target variable).
  • Package Delivery System
    • Design GUI for Package Delivery System, integrating C++’s object-oriented paradigm with Qt Creator 6.0.1 UI framework. Supports 3 package types (Normal, Overnight Delivery, Two-Day Delivery).
  • Assembly 8 Bit Calculator Base Convertor on AT89C51 Microcontroller
    • Implemented 8 bit calculator on AT89C51 Microcontroller using Assembly Language in Keil uVision4, featuring math operations, base conversions, and tested in Proteus 8.9 Professional simulation.
  • Synchronization In Cigarette Smokers Problem
    • Developed a C program utilizing processes and binary semaphores to solve a resource sharing synchronization problem, mitigating deadlock, starvation, and mutual exclusion, leading to a variant of the readers-writers problem.

Courses and Certifications

  • Machine Learning Specialization (3x Courses) by Stanford Online
    • Explored supervised ML (linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, decision trees), unsupervised ML(clustering, anomaly detection), recommender systems, and RL.
  • Deep Learning Specialization (5x Courses) by DeepLearning.AI
    • Mastered neural networks (CNNs, RNNs, LSTMs, Transformers) and optimization (Dropout, BatchNorm, Xavier/He) in Python and TensorFlow.
  • IBM Qiskit Global Summer School 2023: From Theory to Implementation
    • Finished with: Grade 100%, Rank 90/5000 (94%), Time Spent 1.5 Days.
  • Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis (with Honors)
    • Learned Bayesian reasoning, parameter estimation, model comparison, and hypothesis testing. Acquired skills to apply Bayesian methods to real-world data for insightful conclusions.
  • QNickel: Quantum Algorithms and Programming
    • Implemented Grover’s Algorithm for solution of Max Cut Problem. Introduction to Cirq and programmning quantum algorithms like Simon’s Algorithms in Qiskit. Acquired skills to apply Bayesian methods to real-world data for insightful conclusions.
  • QBronze
    • Introduction to classical and quantum systems,Quantum Operators on a qubit, Entanglement and quantum protocols along with intro to Grover’s Algorithms covered.
  • Quantum Error Correction
    • Topics covered: Quantum repetition code for bit-flips, Quantum repetition code for phase-flips, The Shor Code, Syndrome measurements, Stabilizer groups, Stabilizer codes, Syndrome Measurements for Stabilizer codes, Introduction to Stac.
  • Quantum Key Distribution
    • Topics covered: Classical Cryptography and limitations, Quantum Characteristics leading to BB84 Protocol, QKD with noise, Entanglement-based QKD
  • Quantum Computing Hardware
    • Completed the Module 95% passing completing quizzes on Neutral Atom, Superconducting, Photonic, Silicon-based, Trapped-Ion based Quatum Computing and Quantum Annealing
  • Quantum Computing Software (Industry Bootcamps)
    • Gained expertise in advanced quantum tools and platforms, quantum algorithms, and optimization techniques, to enhance proficiency in neutral atom computing, QML, and QUBO problem-solving.
  • FPGA computing systems: A Bird’s Eye View
    • Explored the automatic adaptation of computing systems in response to dynamic environments, introducing FPGA technologies for efficient (re)configuration during execution.
  • Hands-on Quantum Algorithms Development with Classiq
    • Hands-on workshop exploring Classiq, a quantum software framework for designing, debugging, and deploying complex quantum circuits and algorithms.
  • Game Theory by Standford Online
    • Gained a foundational understanding of Game Theory, covering topics like game representation, extensive form (game trees), Bayesian games, repeated and stochastic games, and coalition games.
  • Welcome to Game Theory (with Honors) by The University of Tokyo
    • Explored fundamental Game Theory concepts, including equilibrium, rationality, and cooperation developing a conceptual understanding of strategic scenarios in diverse fields such as business, and biology.
  • Microeconomics: The Power of Markets by UPenn
    • An introductory course on microeconomic theory exploring markets, scarcity, specialization, supply and demand, government intervention, and their impact on real-life goods and services.
  • Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop by California Institute of Arts
    • Comprehensive poetry course exploring Abstraction and Image, Metaphor and Other Formulas of Difference, Rhyme, and Rhythm, empowering participants to create refined and evocative poems.
  • Bayesian Statistics: Time Series Analysis
    • 5-module course: Stationary time series, autoregressive models, Bayesian inference, Normal Dynamic Linear Models (NDLMs), and Final Project on Google Trend data using NDLMs.
  • Introduction to Philosophy
    • Explored contem porary philosophy in diverse areas like Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind, Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, and Metaphysics.

Awards and Honors

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  • Feroz Ahmad, Saima Zafar, “SoC-Based Implementation of 1D Convolutional Neural Network for 3-Channel ECG Arrhythmia Classification via HLS4ML”. Published in IEEE Embedded Systems Letters Early Access (IEEE ESL).